Water, Lakes and Irrigation
Our community has eleven lakes and uses a system of five pumping stations to draw water from select lakes for irrigation. Our irrigation needs cannot be met by rainfall alone, so to supplement our needs we have a system of four wells running 24/7 during the dry season. During most years rain and well water cannot meet our irrigation needs and watering restrictions may be imposed.
To help protect Florida’s water precious water supply our lawn watering is regulated by Lee County. The county restricts the days on which we can water and how many days a week watering is allowed. Fines can be imposed by the County for failing to follow these guidelines.
Homes are allowed to water two days per week on the following schedule -
Address Last Number / Days / Time
Homeowners determine when they want their irrigation system to start watering. As our huge pumps can only take care of about 15 homes before their performance is reduced or the pumps shut down we recommend you consider starting your irrigation during the early morning hours.
There are two types of sprinkler heads, pop-ups and rotaries. For the months of April, though November we recommend the following settings
· Pop ups 25 minutes
· Rotaries 30 minutes
During the months of December, January, February and March the days are shorter, the temperatures cooler and our lawns need less water. In fact overwatering our lawns during these months or at any time can be harmful as it can lead to a shallow root system. During December, January, February and March we recommend the following sprinkler settings.
· Pop ups 15 to 20 minutes
· Rotaries 20 to 25 minutes.
Home irrigation control boxes have a seasonal adjustment feature to achieve the same thing. Just set your seasonal adjustment to 50% for these four months.
Your irrigation control box has a nine volt battery to protect your irrigation schedule. We recommend you change the battery annually when replacing your homes fire alarm batteries.
System maintenance and new lawns.
Pumps are on Wednesday and Thursday until 10AM so you or your irrigation contractor can perform necessary work on your system.
Newly sodded lawns may be watered daily for thirty days to allow their root systems to become established. Pleae call the association office inform them your irrigation schedule will be adjusted to accommodate your new sod watering need. Follow the sprinkler setting guidelines for April through November, above.
Residential Irrigation System Maintenance
In the event of an irrigation line break, please contact Rick at
Can I cut the growth along the lake banks?
The green vegitation along our lake banks are an important component to the eco system. Cutting these growths, called littorals, is prohibited by county statute.
A littoral plant can be defined as any aquatic plant along a lake shoreline. These littoral zones provide a key habitat for wading birds, fish, and other aquatic invertebrate to forage or to find refuge within. Water quality has been a major issue here in Southwest Florida and littorals act as a filter marsh to improve water quality. These aquatic plants also help stabilize lake shorelines, which can prevent dangerous erosion problems. Finally, the plants can provide an aesthetically pleasing view with its array of flowers ranging in colors and natural beauty.
For more information, go to the Lee County website- CLICK HERE.